David Mossman-Smith and Vardha Annand
Art Representatives
Home to the best art collection across the Durham colleges, here at Trevs there’s a range of arty pursuits to get involved in. Whether you’re an avid fan of photography or drawing, or more of an appreciator of art, Trevs has a range of activities for you! Primarily we have the Trevelyan College Visual Arts Committee (formerly Fine Arts Society) which aims to promote the best of the art we have to offer at Trevs from both students and alumni. We hold exhibitions in the bar once a term and organise the Julian Trevelyan Art Competition every Epiphany term. This is really cool because it means you don’t have to be an artist yourself to get involved in art activities around college! We’re hoping to be a lot more active in the future and would love your help to do it!

Art Club - Defunct
Trevelyan Art Club is a society for all artistic abilities, a chance to simply relax and be creative with all the materials provided! We run weekly sessions, usually with a focus on one theme/material relating to the season’s events, for example spooky Halloween decorations and paper snowflake making in December. You are more than welcome to bring whatever art you are currently working on yourself, or take inspiration from the prompts and instructions we offer. We will experiment with lots of different materials and art mediums throughout the year, including making our own stash! This society is a place where you can chill and de-stress, creating art and socialising for a couple hours in a friendly atmosphere. We also aim to organise trips to external art galleries or other places of interest/inspiration across the year!