Message from the Welfare Officer
Hello Trevelyanites! I’m Emma, your Welfare Officer for 2022/23. I head the Welfare team in working to make your time here at University the best it can be. Each of us holds a weekly drop-in, which is open for anyone to come for advice and signposting, a shoulder to lean on, or just a friendly chat! We are also contactable via our email, the welfare phone, or our facebook page, and we are always more than happy to help. You can also pop by the JCR office for free sexual health supplies such as condoms (latex and non), dental dams, lube, and pregnancy tests.
Through my position as Welfare Officer, I also chair the Welfare Awareness Committee, in which we work to organise college-wide awareness campaigns such as alcohol awareness, sexual health, mental health, and housing, along with a month-long campaign to help you Stress Less during your exams! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don’t hesitate to drop me an email, pop a message in my pigeon-hole, or to stop me for a chat in Trevs; I look forward to getting to know you!
Message from the Assistant Welfare Officers
Hi Trevs, we are Dom and Natalia: your Assistant Welfare Officers! Our job is to assist the Welfare Officer in helping you to look after your welfare. We run weekly drop-ins which provide a relaxed environment for you to talk to someone completely confidentially and free from judgement. We also run the Academic Parenting scheme, as well as helping to publicise welfare info on social media. Alongside this, we assist the Welfare Officer in organising awareness campaigns, and running the Welfare room during college events.
Akshita Singh and Aparna Sah
People of Colour Representatives
Hi, we are are Akshita and Aparna, your POC/BAME reps. We are here to help all Trevs students of a minority ethnic background to get a better college/uni experience. We’ll be working with DPOCA to ensure that all POC/BAME students’ rights won’t be violated, while hosting weekly drop-ins, awareness events and socials (if possible)! Weekly drop-ins are a safe place for you to chat about things related to your life as a POC student or just general concerns, so feel free to just come have a small chat with us or to come have some biscuits!

LGBT+ Representative
Hi, I’m Emma, your acting LGBT+ rep! Please do apply for this position if you want it! I’m here to provide support to all members of the LGBT+ community within college, as well as liaising with the Uni’s LGBT+ Association, Trevs LGBT+ Society, and the LGBT+ reps of other colleges. I hold a weekly drop-in session which is a safe space where you can come if you have a problem, need some advice, or just want a chat! I will also be running some campaigns and events throughout the year.

Angus Yip
Students with Disabilities Representative
Hey Trevs, I’m Angus, your Disabilities Rep for the year!
My job is to make sure that all students with disabilities have full access to the college and University experience, and to help you with any disability-related issues which may arise. I liaise with the Durham University disabilities support services and the Durham Students With Disabilities Association (SwDA). I also hold weekly drop-ins to support you, or to provide a listening ear.